Call Us: +852 2111 2763
Email: kim@kimaviation.com
Kim Aviation operates its own fleet of trucks both in Hong Kong and South China and can provide reliable in trucking services as per customers' request.
Besides its own fleet, Smart-Trans also co-operates with other local service providers in form of an alliance to provide a China nationwide trucking service network to customers.
Besides its own fleet, Smart-Trans also co-operates with other local service providers in form of an alliance to provide a China nationwide trucking service network to customers.

Our service including:
- Cross-Boundaries Trucking between Hong Kong and Mainland China
- Door to Door Pick up and Delivery
- Domestic and China Inland Distribution
- Pre-carriage and On-forwarding Arrangement
- Documentation for Inland Truck Servic
Consolidated Truck service offers scheduled custom-bonded air-road intermodal connections between South China and Hong Kong International Airport and Hong Kong Sea Port. Dedicated consolidated truck could be provided upon request,in order to save cost saving for volume shipment
With an advanced management system and a team of energetic and aggressive staff, including a wealth of experienced customer service representatives and skillful operations controllers who have excellent knowledge in documentation and customs clearance practice and are familiar with the trucking routes in China.